And he thought about it for awhile, and then he puts a lot of checks and balances. You know, he didn’t want us going off and raising a bunch of money to build a new facility in our zoo, but he wanted to make sure those funds were designated, and we worked out a program and we made that happen the following year, and the giant panda came in September and we broke the bank. That year we did 1,400,00 people, and most of the attendance came from that September through December, the poor months of the year in reality in Cincinnati. And it turned out to be a win-win situation. We did build a facility, they did send their animal there and they had numerous births, so it was a wonderful conservation effort by the three zoos combined, and we’re very proud of that. So we had a giant panda and we even had George Schaller give us some very high commendations for that project.