Well, we were building a new nocturnal exhibit in Cincinnati, and I had visited Houston at a conference, and Houston was displaying vampire bats. Again, I know vampire bats were displayed by or kept by Dent Myers many, many years ago, but I hadn’t seen, his were the first vampire bats I had ever seen. And knowing that we were going to do a nocturnal exhibit, I thought this would be a marvelous animal to exhibit, ’cause they were active, and, you know, and just the reputation alone was worthy of exhibition. And there was no way to get vampire bats. I had checked with Houston, they didn’t have surplus and the way they collected, they got their bats is they went across into Mexico and collected them. So I got a hold of Bob Dooley who was then curator. John Whirler was the director and we met with them and they said they would go partway with us into Tamaulipas and show us how to collect bats and where to collect them and which we did. We designed a trip that would take us into Mexico for seven weeks, both two years in a row, one six weeks and the other seven weeks, and that was to collect Mexican animals, and part of the program was to portray the sonar- We videotaped, I mean, we filmed everything and we had a show in Cincinnati.