There are a few zoos in the world that I have over the years, I’ve seen a lot of zoos that I’ve formed a particular attachment to. One, I think the Singapore Zoo just a gem. It’s a wonderful, got a wonderful climate, a wonderful collection and beautiful grounds, and a good friend of mine who was responsible for a lot of the design, Bernard Harrison, she really deserves a lot of credit for turning that zoo around and bringing it to its present popularity. And a zoo man zoo, a good old animal collector like Ed Maruska likes is the Berlin Zoo because they have a diverse collection and they have a good breeding record. And I think a good zoo man has to have an appreciation for diversity. And if we lose any insect platform we’re losing, we’re taking as I think Ehrlich said it once and said it best, if you’re flying on a ship or an airplane and somebody takes a rivet out, you’re not gonna be concerned, But if Paul Ehrlich said that, but if keep pulling rivets out of that, eventually that plane, you’re not gonna want to get on it. And we’re doing the same thing by weakening the web of life. We keep eliminating animals and that breaks down this and that breaks down that.