Well, in marketing a zoo, we were one of the first zoological parks to develop a marketing program. And our first full-time marketing director is Ted Beattie who’s now the director of the Shedd Aquarium. And the reason for that is when we began to evaluate our, we were having difficulties with attendance, we would put out PSA’s, public service announcements, and then we’d watch for their appearance and they would come on maybe three o’clock in the morning, 2:30, we did not have control over placement. And with marketing, we felt we would develop, one thing, we would develop control. We could place a billboard where we wanted it, not where it was donated out. Sometimes we would get billboards donated and they’d wind up out in cornfields somewhere out in the boonies. Didn’t do us much good, but we had control of placement, and we had control of timing, and marketing turned everything around for us. Good marketing in terms of promoting new births in terms of promoting special events is invaluable.