Well, my observation of present day curators, at least in a number of institutions, is that they spend too much time behind a computer and not enough time in the zoo itself. You cannot operate a zoo nor can you manage a zoo without being involved in the grounds and face-to-face with curators and with the keepers. So it’s going to be a difficult thing, and I think the best training can be, it has to be accomplished by the management staff and bringing your people in and letting them know what’s expected of them. In my situation that I stated earlier, I had worked out a system that they had to get out in the field, they had to get out on the campus and visit various buildings, and then I knew what was going on and they knew it was going on. But too many times I’ve seen it in too many zoos where the the curator rarely goes onto the grounds. He’s behind a computer, and I don’t think that’s the way to operate a railroad or a zoo.