Well, on a personal note, I think one of the strengths of AZA is the fact that you’re collecting together a group of like individuals and you’re sharing information, you’re sharing problem solving, you’re sharing legislative elements that need need a larger voice in order to be effective. Some of the weaknesses of AZA, I think there’s a tendency by at least some members, they want to run the zoo business and they’re really, they want to take the management aspects away from the people that are hired. I realize that’s a difficult situation because some areas, if a director is responsible or irresponsible, it can reflect on the whole organization, so there’s that delicate balance. But I think there- You still have to depend on reliable people, people that have been hired to do a job and let them do their job and let the organization be the blanket, so to speak, to protect them from the outside world and work in concert, because there are people that want to destroy us and we know that. There are still elements in society that don’t like zoos and zoos are extremely, as we have proven time and time again, they’re important in many ways. And on personal note, I feel they can be even more important considering their constituency, the people, the wonderful, wonderful crowds that we gather globally. I don’t know what the figures are, but in one time, I remember in my younger days, we were outgrowing the three major sports combined in terms of attendance. And so we’re popular organizations.