You indicated there were some golden times. We always had a zoological society, and we received, as I stated, we received probably very little and some years nothing and other times, very little from the city, and working for a society, it presents its own challenges because a society that totally has the governing authority over the place you work, there’s no checks, no balances. There were times when there was some difficulties with board members, infringements on the way we managed the zoo in terms of bidding processes and things like that that we had to contend with and eventually worked through. When Mr. Gail came on board, of course, all of that changed, and he got the job, the society operating at maximum efficiency and cleaned up all the problems that we were facing in the past. So from there on it worked very- The society is, it’s a wonderful- In fact, people clamor to get on that board. It’s well-respected. It’s a high profile board in the city, and they have fiduciary responsibility and they really keep your feet to the fire. I mean, the directors got to produce and keep on target with a budget, produce the revenue and keep on target in the budgeting process.