But we had a facility that I was very proud of. We had an affinity with Grand Opera for oh, I think it was probably back into the 30s. The only bad thing about the opera was it was in a big old building that dominated, it was right in the center of the zoo, but opera was kinda neat, it added a lot of sophistication. First of all, it brought in a whole new gamut of people into the zoo. It was in the evening when the zoo was already closed, so it wasn’t impacting any operating of the zoo. Other than the building itself, it was not impacting our daytime operation, but we got great publicity. I remember Beverly Sills- She just cracked up on- Apparently she just hit this crescendo, and all of a sudden a sea lion would bark or peacocks would start- (laughing) She was on one of Johnny Carson shorts or something. She just started rolling on the floor, and that was kind of a fun place.