When I first started, they didn’t think very much of visitors. Visitors were kind of a drag. They would dirty up the grounds and they were a necessary evil. And I was able to over a period of time to convince them that, particularly the junior staff, that because of these visitors, they were able to obtain raises, and this was very important for our continuing existence and little by little, we got them attuned to the fact that visitors are extremely important to our very survival and our reason for being essentially. Without visitors, we don’t have a zoo. That’s how we’re able to do our education, that’s how we’re able to do our conservation programs. It’s turning the turnstiles, because we don’t get a lot of support. We eventually were able to glean, and I think this out, we were able to get a levy passed for the zoo, or I think it brought us in $15 million over a period of, I don’t remember if it was a period of five years.