The people that most impressed me in the zoo field, in the zoo field were some of the Europeans, because again, they were- Dr. Dotty from Berlin I was impressed with. He was a very powerful individual. He ran a large organization and he ended up a very good friend of mine until he passed away a few years ago. And if I can reflect, there were gentlemen in the research field that I got to know, and then I became very interested in, as an aside, and I developed a lot of friendships. One of my dreams at one time was to develop an amphibian display at the zoo, and I could never glean to support or gather to support to accomplish that. But amphibians have been a sadly- This was about 20 years ago, had been a sadly neglected group in zoos. They’re either relegated to a small exhibit in a reptile house, a frog here and there. There was nothing known.