And somehow we would, and we never got to that point, but I always wanted to tie the diversity of man into those projects, that that was important as well, and something to be respected. And little by little, we keyed certain areas to certain groups of animals. A good example was the invertebrates. When you look at the world number, the vast number of invertebrates, they certainly outweigh any of the vertebrates. I mean, in mass, in terms of numbers and also diversity, and they weren’t being well-represented in zoos. And one day I visited Lincoln Park and I saw a display that Mark Rosenthal had just completed and really fascinating, it was an inspiration. He installed the leaf cutting ant, an atta display, and I was just particularly fascinated, because those animals were working constantly, it was motion. And one thing about a zoo exhibit that’s popular with the public is when something’s moving, rather than a big old lion sleeping in the corner.