When I began to change the direction of zoo, some of my early problems were from interfering board members, and I had to get that eventually resolved. I had board members that would come out, they had a passion for the zoo, so they would come out and they would tell the keepers to replant that area or move the benches over here and then listen to all their complaints and then bring those complaints back into a board meeting, and I had to address them at that time. So eventually I- Again, I developed a very good relationship with a board president, and he began to resolve a lot of these problems. His name was Oliver Gail, Muff Gail, and he was well-respected in the community, a very high mover and shaker. In fact, he was the one that championed our fundraising drives and he got to the various board members that were interfering in my operation and told them hands-off. And from that time, and that helped a lot, but that was something I went through for years, and it was very difficult. You talked about space.