I mean, I had seen great apes, I had seen chimps, I’d seen harangues, I had seen gorillas. One day when I was in the old primate house, the then senior keeper, Roy Hoff said, “Come here, kid, you wanna meet an orangutan?” And so I went behind the scenes with Roy and Roy did what he did to me, after hindsight gives you a 2020 vision. He did what he did to every newcomer. And that was he simply unlocked the cage door and out flew this full grown female orangutan, who literally, and as you know, it’s like being suction-cupped, they simply grasp onto you. And there’s no way to get them off until, or unless they’re ready to leave. And he got the biggest chuckle, first of all, of my reaction to having an orangutan, making kissy faces to me and hanging on to me, as he walked down the service area and locked the door and left me there sitting with the orangutan. Sort of, okay, you wanna be a zoologist in this zoo, you wanna know about orangutans, here you go, buddy. You indicated there were others who zoologists, who had other responsibilities.