Now, this was one of my, this was one of the things that I were supposed to accomplish over the course of time, no rush, no hurry, do it with detail, get as much information as you can from the old records as new animals come in, include that information. And each animal in the zoo had, at that time, essentially a four by six or a little smaller, I think it was probably a four by five inventory card that had all of the available information that we knew about that animal, common name, scientific name, its sex, where it came from, whether it’s kept, or born, or wild-caught and any incidental notes about it. And those were kept in individual card files in the various areas, in the bird house, in the small mammal house, in the reptile house. And I kept a master copy, master file in my office. So that at any one time I knew exactly what was in the zoo collection and where it came from and what its history was.