I wrote all of these letters. 1965, I wrote all, this is 1965, and I wrote all of these letters and there must have been, oh, easily more than two dozen letters directed specifically at that time, to either the director or the curator, whoever it might be, providing, you know, this is who I am. This is what my experience is, this is what my goals and objectives are. These are the kinds of animals that I maintained. I’m really interested in a zoological position. And out of all of those letters, I got two responses and they’re really very funny responses, looking back at it in hindsight. The one from Brookfield Zoo here in Chicago, came from Ray Pawley who was then a curator of reptiles, but he also was apparently the personnel manager for the animal department who very nicely wrote and said, “Thank you for your inquiry. We’d be happy to entertain your application, for a position if you had some zoo experience.