Yes, absolutely, absolutely and that was that versus the first case was an inside job, as opposed to strangers who thought it was a good idea to go to the zoo, to get these two young or infant animals for whatever purpose. In the case of the chimpanzee, it was, I got access. I like the animal, I can do this. It’s not a problem, it’ll never be figured out, and it was. Now I have mentioned a couple of animals. Are there any animal stories that are favorites of yours that come to mind as we’re reminiscing. Walking through the zoo on an early morning and seeing an adult male, a gorilla lounging on the rooftop of the Chrome Field Center, because the lead keeper in the great ape house had failed to take every single precaution that could be taken in terms of safe guards, that was an interesting experience, that ended well, fortunately, but the most memorable in terms of actual sight, sound, chaos, was everybody gathered at the outside of the lion house, warm spring and summer mornings. Everybody had their cup of coffee before we started off on our assignments.