Gorillas are one of, at the time, they were one of two species that were managed, not necessarily the way they should have been managed. They were managed politically. Gorillas went from institution to institution because of the rank of the institution, because of the importance of the institution and potentially the audience that that institution was going to generate. When animals went from Lincoln Park to Disney for their opening, they went with all of those considerations. Those animals could have gone to other institutions and then cared for equally well, but because it was Disney, because Disney had planned on gorillas because Disney had invested so much in gorilla facilities, the political decision was made that they should go to Disney and gorillas today still continue to be more a political decision than a non-political decision. We could produce many more gorillas in a captive environment than we are, but we limit their interest. We limit their reproduction and we limit their distribution largely because it’s viewed as the politically correct thing to do. You were involved with the only elephant birth in the history of Lincoln Park Zoo.