The expenses related to elephants, at all levels, but particularly the amount of space and equipment and design that goes into it, first of all, to allow them to have adequate space and to allow adequate stimulus, it’s justified if the institution and its deciding board have said, this is the commitment that we’re going to make. I mean, a perfectly good example of that is what Cleveland did in the last few years when they made a commitment to elephants and they built their facilities and their program to match their interests and made a long-term, as in lifelong, many decades, a commitment to the animals and to that program at that institution. And they, the decision makers in that institution, as well as the community at large, not the vocal minority, but the community at large said, we need to do this, both so that we can have this experience of seeing, smelling, feeling, but also so that we understand something about the animals and what the animals needs are in nature. And they’ve done a very credible job. You’ve been involved in the collection planning, and you’ve been involved in establishing collection plans. When you started, you had the freedom to pick and choose your interests. Now, it’s more of a template of what you can and can’t have, some wiggle room.