I think the idea of consolidating elephant members into small groups or into family groups and having zoos specialize in that species, I think that’s a really good idea. It enriches the animal’s lives. It puts the focus to those institutions that can afford to do that. It exhibits the animals, it exhibits the animals so that people have some understanding of what the animal actually is. And in fact, as we know, there are elephants in jeopardy, in Africa who are part of cold programs, where there simply are too many animals in the wild for the habitat that they live in, that have, one of the very viable choices in my opinion is, is you bring those animals into captivity, you bring them to institutions or to centers, meaning an institution that’s made a commitment to elephants so that you have the opportunity to continue though their life in a captive situation. I see nothing wrong with that. If one is humanely interacting with elephants, if one is treating them in a professional manner, if they’re receiving daily care, as we know they are, and if the institution can have the facility, the institution can afford to have elephants, they should have elephants. And do you think the large amount of money spent on exhibitry is justified, very large.