What kind of relationships can we build with other organizations or with corporations, or with companies or with foundations to ensure a free flow of resources to us, whether that’s material goods or finances, that’s a difficult challenge. It really takes a unique skillset. It takes a unique set of resources. It takes a lot of work and it takes for the leadership of the institution, it takes a very strong, co-operative board who is willing themselves to do whatever it needs to keep the institution alive, viable, vibrant in the communities for. Was there any one piece, important piece of advice that you received that really stuck with you, that you’ve used throughout your career, that you’d impart it to me if I was a young zoo person, maybe about zoo life. In terms of, no, in terms of animal management and animal husbandry, I think one of the best words of advice that I got with regard to infant animals or animal introductions, if you think you should do something, then do it, because it’s better to have tried and been unsuccessful than to do nothing and to suffer the consequences.