(indistinct) made me the offer to come on as his conservation and environmental advocate and to take on increased administrative, as well as academic responsibility at university. And I was reborn in a very real sense because I was freed of all of the disagreeable or the unpalatable of both ongoing as well as what I could project for the future at the zoo. And so for me, it was not difficult to leave. It was difficult to leave the people. It was difficult to leave the animals, but it wasn’t difficult to leave the situation. And I fully embraced the position at the university and all of its opportunities, as well as responsibilities. It gave me a new lease on life in the sense that I was able to put to practice everything that I had learned up until that point. So if I look back on it now, it was a logical, if I had planned it, it would have been a logical progression in terms of my personal history, because I’d always thought one of my incentives for getting my masters was that I would someday teach.