Well, I’m trying to impart to my students that are nature challenged and technologically savvy, that there’s a whole world out there, that in order to be a biologist, you don’t have to be in a lab and wear a lab coat, that there’s a whole other world out there that’s ready for investigation. And by what I share with them, both in terms of the media, as well as personal experiences, as well as realia, both living and dead that I bring to class, I show them that there’s another way. And I continue to teach it because I get feedback from students who never realized that it was possible to be gainfully employed in the biological sciences, except for research in a lab or using equipment and wearing a lab coat. And so for me, that’s been particularly satisfying. And of course the thing that I bring to it, which could you just bring students to me is, is that I can share life experiences with them, sort of some of the sort of things that we’ve talked about here today, stories, interactions with animals, field experiences that are firsthand experiences. They’re not something that’s on a YouTube video. They’re the written word. It’s somebody who actually breathed that lived it.