I need to be able to look at questions or problems or unknowns, particularly in science and then consequently in life in a different way than I had in the past. And the PhD did that for me, both because of my exposure to people that were in the same program with me, the instructors, the teachers, the professors that I had, the leadership in the labs there, and the work that it caused me to do, I have absolutely no regrets and all of the education that I’ve gotten from the time that I started in high school, I had to pay my way through high school, work to pay my way through high school, ’cause it was a private school, to the University of Rochester, where I had a job that helped me get tuition free to the University of Illinois. All of that, all of my undergraduate work, my master’s work, as well as my PhD was all done part time. And it was done during a time when I was gainfully employed, I was a father and a husband. We had family responsibilities and I wouldn’t have done it any differently because it might not work for everybody. It might not work for anybody, but it worked for me. And I think I appreciate the opportunities I have and have had because of that.