I, and thinking about community interaction and the larger audience beyond the zoo itself, the only time that I can think of community involvement was when I put together information for other people to use. I never really either had the opportunity or had the assignment to interact at that community level. From a larger community, from a zoo society membership standpoint, from an annual meeting standpoint, from gatherings of the society, I was called upon a couple of times in Dr. Fisher’s absence to make presentations related to the zoo and the zoo animals. And the one I remember the the most vividly, and the one that I really enjoyed was a presentation. I stood in for him because he was out of the country and I stood in it for him in an annual meeting on the grounds of the zoo. A lot of people, several hundreds, if not more. And I talked about the zoo’s collective efforts to import and to begin a conservation program for Asiatic or Indian or juror lions. And I recently ran across a copy of those remarks that I presented at that gathering.