Was there some big headache, toughest problem that you just stood back and said, “Why am I doing this?” If there ever was a time when I questioned what I was doing and why I was still doing it at Lincoln Park, it had to do with personnel difficulties. But I think by and large, there was, I, I never had reason to pause. I know that I had opportunities to go to other institutions. I remember being courted, but in the end, I always came back to Lincoln Park was my home, it was the place essentially where I’d grown up. It was the place where I’d applied my skills. It was the place that had taught me, a place that had made me better than I was when I went through the door. And I had a certain allegiance or loyalty to the institution, good, bad or indifferent. You indicated that Dr. Fisher would essentially allow you to make changes in the collection, generally speaking, you had done a lot of work with edentates.