And then one other Joe McHale story. My last Joel McHale story, he called one time and he says, “I’m gonna give you a life experience.” I said, “Joe, you always do.” He said, “No, you’ve gotta go to the airport with me.” And I said, “Okay.” Then he said, “Here, hold on to this bag.” And I looked in the bag and there were kosher hotdogs and there were large shrimp. And he said, “Keep it down there with your foot by the heater so that thaws by the time we get to the airport, we’re gonna feed some animals and we’re gonna transship them. So I’m gonna grab the animals, you’re gonna feed them. Then we’re gonna put them back in their crates and then they’re gonna be transshipped.” And I said, “Okay, are you go tell me what that?” No, he says it would spoil the fun. So we get there and there are half a dozen crates, about four feet tall, about two foot on a side. He opened pops the top off of the first one and reaches in and grabs an out he comes, lower jaw in one hand, upper jaw in the other, shoe bill storks, which at that time had never entered the United States or had entered only years before from the Sudan. And he said, “Okay, shove a handful of hotdogs and a handful of shrimp down its throat and then get your hand out of the way, ’cause I’m going to close it’s bill and we’re gonna do this for the next six.” And that’s what we did.