And Gail ran out to get film for the cameras so that we could take pictures of it. And when she came back, the cheetah was in the playpen that was in the living room for our youngest, which she was absolutely horrified by, but we, he just did that. And one other time with Joe McHale, I remember him calling late at night and he said, he was practically in tears and he said, “I need your help.” And I said, “What’s the matter, Joe, is something wrong with your mother, something wrong with you?” He says, “No, I have an animal’s shipment at O’Hare and I need your help with it.” And I said, “Okay.” And he had an old checker cab that he had essentially gutted. That was his vehicle for both going back and forth to work as well as for picking up animals. And he picked me up, I went out in the alley, he picked me up and he was really down shot. And I said, “What’s the problem?” He said, “I ordered from Malaysia 12 coconut-eating crabs.” And we all know the coconut-eating crabs had not been a zoo collections and they’re huge animals. I mean, huge, and they literally do eat coconuts because they have the capability, their claws are so large that they can crack open coconuts. And I said, “So what’s the problem?” He said, “They sent me 12 adult, male, crab-eating macaques, and I can’t handle them alone.” And so we went to O’Hare and we picked up not coconut-eating crabs, but crab-eating macaques.