They all could read and write now, I mean, what changed when you were assuming those responsibilities as assistant director. Over time, the keeper staff evolved just like the zoo evolved. The keepers that came to us were, they might still be political animals, but they were better informed, better educated, more inclined to come with knowledge about zoos and animals in zoos. There was a period of attrition where the older, seasoned experienced people moved along and the younger, more energetic, more informed keepers came along. And I think that was, it brought with it, several things. They had their own ideas about animals and how animals should be kept. They have their own ideas about what was something reasonable for them to do on a day-to-day basis in terms of their workload. And they had a very, they had no reluctance whatsoever to tell you how they felt about what was going on in the zoo and about animal management.