The director’s wishes for the collection, were largely predetermined by the facilities that we built. So that, for instance, when we redid the large mammal area, we knew we were going to have a giraffe, an elephant and hippo and rhino and taper. And we built the spaces so that they were for a generic giraffe, for a generic taper. So it didn’t make a difference whether they came from Malaysia or whether it came from Central America, the space would accommodate it and all of those things. We were going to have rhinos for the first time and I can vividly recall our discussion. It wasn’t a discussion, it was an edict. He came into my office one day and he said, “Okay, we’re getting ready for the planning for the opening of a large mammal. And we don’t have rhinos.” And I said, “Well, we’re getting some pushback from the management group about black rhinos, which is what we wanted.