I think when, I believe that when I interviewed for the position, he had a list of things that, he had a list of things for me, that for me, an individual, that he said, these are the things that I’d like us, which means you, to accomplish. And these are the things that we’re going to have to put aside in order to make those accomplishments. And so it was clear from the start that part of my day-to-day interaction with the collection was going to take second seat to the administrative responsibilities that he was giving me. And essentially the, essentially the assistant director was the director in the director’s absence and all of that and all that it entailed, which meant that it was a learning curve on my part to take on some things that I had only occasionally stepped into, public regulations, donors, soliciting donors, working with the zoo society to raise funds, in the director’s absence to give public speaking engagements, commitments to the community for a zoo, personal appearances, those sorts of things, which I had done some of, but there was a whole bunch more associated with that position. And it was during a time when the zoo was very visible, the zoo was trying to raise funds for additional capital campaign. The responsibilities were being shared across the board, and it was clear to me that that was something that I had to do as part of this position.