And that’s been my general philosophy, I’ve added a kind of an additional thought, and that is that you should publish where it’s going to do the most good. Many people publish in journals that will in peer review journals that will give them prestige because they published in this journal or that journal. My philosophy was I didn’t really care as long as it was peer reviewed, I didn’t care what the journal was, what the publication was, as long as it would hit the audience. So if you look at my CV, you’ll see that my published works are in some very strange places or so it seems, unless you understand what that philosophy is. During that time, during the time that I began to publish and others on the staff began to publish at Lincoln Park, I think International Zoo Book, Zoo Yearbook was the annual Bible of zoo information. If you needed to know anything about animals in your care or about exhibits or about nutrition or about veterinary medicine, that was the place to go. And that was the place to publish. And fortunately, they were very gracious in their acceptance of articles for publication, both from me and from other members of the staff, as well as from others in the zoo world.