I didn’t, I don’t, I think in the beginning with regard to the edentates, I didn’t have a plan. I had a loose plan, the loose plan would have been, I’ve got to understand these animals. The way to understand them is either look at them in nature or the way to understand them is to bring them into captivity and to study them in captivity. I think it all began that way. It was reinforced by the trip to South America and the subsequent shipment back from South America of a range of animals as a consequence of that trip, that had never been done. Two things had never been done by a staff member at Lincoln Park Zoo before, a staff member had never had researcher travel funds. A staff member had never caught animals in the wild and acclimated them for shipment back to the zoo. And as a consequence of that South American trip, a number of armadillos of a couple of species, at least three species came from Argentina and also from Paraguay.