And I think it came with a little more money. I applied to the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia for a grant to undertake a trip to south America, to look at small mammals, but particularly those small mammals that are generally referred to as edentates or xenarthrans or the armadillos and the sloths and the ant-eaters. And I had an interest in them because they were essentially animals that nobody loved, nobody cared about. They were animals that were interesting to me because of their natural history, their lifestyle, their feeding habits, they were animals that were not generally seen in zoos. Lincoln Park had a wonderful small mammal collection. And I thought, these animals really ought to be here. This is something that we could do, but I need to learn something more about them. So the American Philosophical Society founded by Ben Franklin, saw fit to find enough funds with a little bit of family money as well, to send Gail and I to Argentina first, and then to Paraguay second, and to spend a month away from the zoo, two and a half weeks in Argentina, and a week and a half in Paraguay.