We could share that information. We could share that excitement with each other. And I also knew that if I was ever gonna make a mark in the zoo, that it had to be with mammals, Eddie was par excellence in terms of his ability, his intuitive knowledge with reptiles and the guy who was in the, Jim, who was in the bird house, he wasn’t going anywhere, he had that under control. And I really didn’t develop an interest in birds until somewhat later in my career. And so it left me with mammals and Eddie provided the tutorage that I needed, in terms of the subtleties of the political life of the zoo. He helped you then went your way through the, I’ll call it as you did the politics of the zoo. Eddie definitely helped me understand the politics of the zoo, understand some of the quirks of the personalities involved in the zoo and tried to keep me on the straight and narrow. You said there was a senior general curator when you started.