Well, I was, yeah, I was teaching junior high mathematics in Palm Springs and on summer, one of the other teachers and I decided to put together this field trip to take the kids out fossil hunting. And I mean, when I look back at it and I think about it periodically now, I mean, we would no more do that today, I mean, legally and every other which way, the responsibilities that we took on, I mean, we just rented some station wagons from Hertz, threw all these kids in it with a bunch of tents and went off and their parents let us do it. I mean, it was just shocking when I think about it and we brought ’em all back alive, which there was a couple of moments that we’d actually questioned whether we would, because we got into some bad storms and floods and ’cause we were in the middle of nowhere with these station wagons, but we were young and we did it, and it was fun.