Because collectively it’s our only probable chance, at least making some dents in the money and time and effort that’s being spent in trying to make us be irrelevant in the eyes of the public. So, if they didn’t do anything else but that, I think that would be the best way they could serve our profession. WAZA was not as easy to do because we had a bazillion countries with a bazillion different levels of what’s acceptable and what’s not, but some of the same issues, but I’d taken all the money that ACA put together to fight organizations like PETA and so forth and so on, and at a really serious level, because if they’re successful and get us all shut down, kids aren’t gonna see elephants and giraffes, and that just drives me nuts. Speaking of elephants while we’re- I never wanted them, I’ve never had them. I’ve never wanted to have them. Well, let me ask you a question regarding elephants.