And so, if there’s any hope for people trying to save little bits of this planet over time, it’s only gonna be because they’ve somehow made an emotional connection to an animal and you don’t make that emotional, you might get interested by watching a TV program, but there’s just nothing like the real deal, there just isn’t. We see that in our zoos every day that we’re there, every one of us. When you see an adult melt when you take ’em back and show ’em a baby giraffe it comes out, a little tongue comes out. I don’t care how hard core they are. They just kind of go, “Oh my God, that’s a giraffe.” You can’t get that off of TV. You can’t. And that was probably, so I said to myself, I wanna connect people to those animals, to save these animals for future generations and the health of our planet. And if I’m gonna do it with animals, I might as well do it with endangered animals, because then at least I’m trying to do two things at once.