And of course, we didn’t call ourselves a zoo. And I guess in some respects, that was actually helpful because we weren’t a zoo in some people’s minds. Okay. All of that said, I think not only for the world of zoos, but because I’m also in the world, I have the other card of Karen that’s always also been in the world of purebred animals, dogs and cats, the move to get rid of purebred dogs and cats is even greater than the move to get rid of zoos. And if we all don’t, if those of us, and those folks have spent a lot of money and time developing materials, which make them look sane to the average donor and average supporter. And they get support from people who are convinced that those people are doing the right thing, but they’ll make the connection that if these animal rights organizations got their wish that they couldn’t have their Doxen and they can’t have Fluffy the cat, let alone that they can’t have their zoo. So, somehow all of us, zoos and domestic pet owner types, purebred pet owner types, ought to be doing, actually could possibly try to get together to do the pushback that needs to be done on these organizations. And we’re going to have to do huge pushback.