And he who understands the numbers has the power in the organization. If you really understand them, not just BS’ing people, if you can really look your board in the eye and say, “I know this exhibit is gonna cost this and bring it in for that. I know that if I bring this number of visitors in, they’re gonna bring in this kind of money because I have financial proof to show it,” you can get a lot more accomplished. And if on the other hand, you’re sitting around waiting for your finance officer to tell you whether you made money or whether something was worth doing, without really understanding it. So, I think more zoo directors to this day need a whole lot more education that way, and their facilities would be better off for it. I was lucky because I was a numbers person. I always understood the numbers. But other than that, I think that we all, it would be best for our zoos to this day, I still feel it’d be best if people who have come to the zoo with a true mission of conservation and conservation education as their goal to keep their eye focused on that goal, to help their board weigh that the end product from business, they always say, “You need to run your zoo like a business.” Yes, you do.