I did everything I could to make sure that they had money to go to professional meetings. So, I mean, my first garden, my first curator of education, Sue, started going right away to ACA annual meetings to find out there were people out there that, and I encouraged her to go to local organizations, drive down to San Diego, drive over to LA, visit with their curators. The same with any of my people at a management level, any of the curatorial, I encouraged them. I encouraged them to get involved in professional organizations. When I hired botanical garden horticulturalists, instead of me going to the Southern California Association of Gardens Meetings, I’d sent them to go out, learn and bring back ideas, so forth and so on. And so, I encouraged ’em anyway I could. And if they showed no interest in that, then they probably didn’t last very long with me either because I expected them. Just because we were this little tiny facility in the middle of nowhere, it didn’t mean that we couldn’t keep up with the fields that we had chosen to be in.