So, I had this older couple had come in to see me because they had sent me a $25,000 check out of the blue with no restrictions on it, and I had rung them up and said, “Wow, thank you. Wow, that’s a lot of money,” which it was in my opinion. “What do you want us to do with it?” “Well, we’ll come and talk with you one day soon.” I said, “Okay.” So, they came in and to meet them and they would look like Ma and Pa Kettle in all honesty. And I thought, “Well, okay.” But I gave him the “Wish Book,” and I know they got $25,000. So, we’re going through the “Wish Book” and they’re going through the “Wish Book,” and they get all the way to the end and they get to Eagle Canyon and for their million dollar gift, they got to name it Eagle Canyon and they got the mountain lion exhibit as well. Those are the two things they would get. And I remember they were sitting just like you across from me are and they said, he turned to his wife when he got to the very end and he said, “Well, tell us more about this thing.” And they’re pointing at the Eagle Canyon naming, and I’m kind of like, well, but I take everybody seriously, so I’m explaining to ’em that it’s gonna be this huge new exhibit and it’s gonna have mountain lions, it’s gonna have all these animals and it’s gonna be spectacular and blah, blah, blah. And I remember he looked at his wife and he said, “Ma, what do you think?” And she said, “Well, if you want to.” And he says, “Yeah, that sounds like fun.” He says, “Okay, we’ll do it.” And I’m blinking and I’m trying to process what they’re telling me.