Well, our education courier, Sue, thought it was hard at that point. There wasn’t recycling drop-off places back then, but we thought if we’ve put this out by our parking lot and people even could, ’cause we had our own parking lot encompassed to us, so we could do what we wanted in our parking lot. So, we put in a recycling center and just encouraged people if they wanted to, they could bring any metal objects in this dumpster and glass objects in that dumpster. And it was more successful than I would have imagined it was going to be given that people literally had to put the stuff in their car and drive it to us, but they did and then the local disposal people would come periodically to take the individual dumpsters off to where they were. It was free. They would call the Cans for Critters. And so, we’d get paid a little bit of money from the recycling center for what they took.