Well, there was young lady that I had come to know. I don’t even know where we met at this point. I can’t even remember, but we’d known each other a long time, and her name was Susie Reef. And Susie was at the zoo and Susie said to me, “Since you’re hangin’ out in the lion house, let’s see if we can’t get you in as a volunteer to start.” And so, she put in the word and I guess I passed inspection because I did have enough animal knowledge to be a useful volunteer, and I was willing to work the odd funny hours. And so, started out in the nursery and then eventually just kinda got bounced around wherever they needed me, but a lot of it was in the nursery because again, I was still going to school and I was trying to fit in my other paying jobs as well, because I needed the money (chuckles).