Or was that just, you never knew when it would happen?” Yeah, we didn’t know. I mean, if it happened in front of the public, it happened. Obviously we weren’t bringing animals into the hospital for them to birth. So, but if we thought we had a situation just like in any zoo, if you thought you had a new birth and you needed to keep things a little quieter, then you just wouldn’t let the public down that path that day for the day. I mean, we were no different than anybody else that way, because obviously the health and wellbeing of the animals at all times was more important than the public. But our vet felt that if he, like I said, if he thought he was doing some surgery or some procedure, which he really had to complete, he had the ability to just not, Kevin is wonderful. He just would turn off the fact that those people were out there. It made no difference to him.