I had to put it on the public side, and if I was gonna put it on the public side, what was the point of just havin’ this big building with a sign on the door that said, “Animal Hospital?” That wasn’t gonna make the donor happy either. So, I had to invite the public in and I thought, “Let’s invite ’em in.” And we even have research room where we have little lab coats and stethoscopes and things like that and the kids can, there’s a room for them to go play. And then, because thankfully our animals, even our rehab animals aren’t having surgeries and fixing broken legs and necks every five minutes, we have three kiosks that we built, had specially built and we videotaped procedures. And we have five procedures per kiosk. Each one’s about 10 minutes long. And so, if there’s nothing going on in the hospital, I’ve seen whole classes of students as teachers sit ’em on the floor and they push the button and they’ll watch a tooth extraction on a leopard or they’ll watch for 10 minute video. And then they’ll push the next button and maybe it’s treating bumble foot in a golden eagle. And the next one is a health exam on a rattlesnake.