We developed first a small hospital building big to deal with all the rehab animals. Because, and by that point, when we built the hospital building, we had not many exotic, I mean, at all, but we had the sheep and we had coyotes and we had our kit foxes and but mostly it was rehab. And so, it was a little tiny building with a public window in it, even then in 1978. And we had local vets that volunteered to come in and help with stuff. And that building served us until I was able to build the Trinity Wildlife Hospital was one of the last big job, projects I did, which is a big, beautiful, giant hospital, fully viewable by the public, the whole thing. It’s open all the time. Everything’s behind glass. And fortunately, I got a veterinarian who loves it, who, he’s our TV guy, but he doesn’t mind working on anything in front of the public and he’s happy to talk to him about it all day long.