Well, we would build things like we built an exhibit, we built in a weather station that was, so that people would say it was hot. Well, they could get down on the weather station and actually see how hot it was and see rain gauges. But we also built at the weather station an exhibit that had, at that time they were cables. Today they’d probably do all wireless, but they were cables and we had cables in the grounds, physically in the ground at various temperatures and then they came up to the exhibit and the exhibit was of a ground squirrel borrow. It was with no animal, and it’s just drawings. And on the surface, we had a probe that sat there that told the visitor what the temperature was on the surface of the ground right now in the park. And then what the surface temperature was in these little guys burrowed down there and from what was in the ground in the park and things like that really clicked with people. It was like, oh, that’s why they have to go underground because look at that (chuckles).