Oh, I think that it was often tiring of just worrying about where the next dollar was coming from. I mean, that was always there, because initially most of the people in the area didn’t have any real interest in what we were doing because it was just the desert after all, but we got very lucky several times in the history of Living Desert, the organization essentially was able to grow and thrive ultimately, or reasonably thrive out of what turned out to be pure luck. I mean, when we started, the only land Mr. Boyd could lease for us was where we are today. But at that point it was 18 miles away across basically nothing but empty desert to get there. And there was no reason to get there unless you were going there, and ’cause everything that was going on in that area was going on in Palm Springs. Palm Springs was the hub. And so, for the first few years it was really hard because it was a big drive just to go out there to see what, in most people’s minds was nothing. But then the population in the valley started to creep in our direction and a big land developer of shopping centers of all things decided to build a shopping center, the very first shopping center to serve the area because Palm Springs was a strip of fancy streets, of fancy shops, and golf courses.