To create what we created ultimately, a desert conservation center where we taught people about the desert, the whole ecosystem. So there was kind of the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum model, but instead of just modeling Sonoran Desert with plants and animals, I said, “Well, okay, that’s been done.” And to just modeled the Colorado Desert, the Coachella Valley, that’s a pretty limiting experience. There is not much out there compared to Sonora. So, I thought, “Okay, we’re gonna do deserts of the world,” and I was able to say that kind of out loud once we started doing interpretive things, because that kind of made sense to the board. Well, okay, so Mr. Boyd loved plants first, and nature trails. So, I just gave them what they wanted first ’cause it wasn’t, I didn’t have to do either or. I mean, I wanted to do the plants as well as the animals. And I wanted to do trails.