There were a couple of people associated with the University of California system in the Life Science Department that one of which had a lot of money himself, but he was also, he really was, he liked to think of himself as a field biologist. And so, he got involved. And so I had, because Mr. Boyd was a regent to the university, the local camp was to us was Riverside, which was about an hour and a half’s drive. So, all of the ecologists and herpetologists and botanists that were based on that campus teaching, and were using Mr. Boyd’s research center for post-graduate work, he convinced all of them to help out wherever they could with scientific knowledge or whatever I needed. And so, I could draw on the science, I could draw and Mr. Boyd’s friends and connections, and then I just went on the trail of going to every rotary club, every lions club, eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner with those guys and fundraising. And I would stand there ’cause I was young and committed to the project and tell ’em, they’d say, “Well, what are you going to do?” I’m saving the desert and they’d look around, there wasn’t a stick out there, there wasn’t a house for miles. And they’d kinda go, “From what?” But they’d humor me, give me a few bucks and we’d go to the next step. You mentioned when you started, there was this vision that Mr. Boyd had, but you had a secret vision that you didn’t wanna share.